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Installing the ssh package-SSH server and client
To enable SSH server and SSL client, install the ssh package using the apt command.
# SSH server and SSH client installation sudo apt install -y ssh
This is an open source project that includes an SSH client and SSH server called OpenSSH.
Install the SSH server and client if they are not installed by default.
You can also install the SSH server and SSH client separately.
# SSH client sudo apt install -y ssh openssh-client # SSH server sudo apt install -y ssh openssh-server
Confirm that the ssh command has been installed
Make sure you have the ssh command installed.
ssh --help
Confirm that the ssh server is installed
Confirm that the ssh server is installed with the systemctl command. Execute with administrator privileges with sudo.
sudo systemctl status ssh
If it says active, the installation is successful and the SSH server is up.
● ssh.service --OpenBSD Secure Shell server Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/ssh.service; enabled; vendor preset: enab Active: active (running) since Fri 2020-06-05 10:27:15 JST; 2 days ago